- FUWE GmbH - Certified training provider
Professional further training, retraining and coaching
in all situations in life.
Professional further training, retraining and coaching, in all areas
life situations.
- We speak: German, English, Turkish, Ukrainian, Russian, Arabic, etc...
- 100% eligible
- Citizen's income bonus
- 100% best advice
We are a certified and has been successfully active in adult education for over 30 years. adult education for over 30 years. With the help of our 8 locations, we cover a large area in North Rhine-Westphalia.
We are a
certified AZAV) and have been helping in the market for education and innovative labour market projects for over two decades.
Customised offers on numerous topics in the areas of further training, retraining & coaching. Find out more now!
Further training
You would like to expand your skills, acquire new knowledge and your professionalflImprove your prospects? Then further training is just the thing!
Retraining & partial qualifications
You would like toflI can make a new start and another field of activityfitrain? Then retraining or partial qualificationfication just the right thing!
You would like supportive and motivating guidance to realise your personal and professionalflto redefine our goalsfinise? Then our numerous coaching sessions just the right thing!

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Questions are answered.
FUWE is a certifiedficialised training provider that offers further training, retraining and coaching programmes. Our offers can be booked 100 % via the job centre or the employment agency.
With has over 30 years of experience in the labour market our company is continuously developing through. Our strengths lie in our Speed, flexibility and in-depth expertisehow that we have built up over the years.
Our counselling appointments are 100 % free of charge and without obligation.
Our offers are 100 % via a voucher from the job centre or employment agency. Of course you can You can also take advantage of our services through your employer or as a self-payer.
Our Further training programmes offer a flexible design, so that many of them also work part-time from 8:45 a.m. to 13:45 can be completed. Alternatively there is the option of full-time lessons from 8:00 a.m. until 15:00.
Coaching is possible in parallel with holistic support in accordance with Section 16k SGB II.
Department 1Measures for activation and vocational integration (§ 45 para. 1 sentence 1 nos. 1 to 5)
Department 2Exclusively performance-related remunerated job placement in employment subject to social security contributions in accordance with Section 45 (4) sentence 3 number 2 SGB III
Department 3Vocational choice and training measures in accordance with the third section of the third chapter of the German Social Code III, e.g. promotion of vocational training, vocational orientation, pre-vocational measures.
Department 4Vocational training measures in accordance with the fourth section of the third chapter of SGB III
Department 5Transfer benefits / transfer measures according to §§ 110 and 111 SGB III Transfer measures are all measures for the integration of employees into the labour market, in the financing of which employers make an appropriate contribution.
Department 6Measures to promote the participation of people with disabilities in working life in accordance with the seventh section of the third chapter of the German Social Code, Book III. Benefits to promote the participation of people with disabilities in working life can be provided in order to maintain, improve, establish or restore their earning capacity and to ensure their participation in working life, insofar as the nature or severity of the disability requires this.
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and 100% to arrange a free consultation!